Simplifying Documentation and Improving Visibility: Why You Should Use a Shipping Manifest from Wigmore Logistics
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Simplifying Documentation and Improving Visibility: Why You Should Use a Shipping Manifest from Wigmore Logistics

Are you tired of drowning in a sea of paperwork when it comes to managing your shipments? Do you wish there was an easier way to streamline your documentation and gain better visibility into the entire shipping process? Look no further! In today’s blog post, we will unravel the secret behind simplifying documentation and improving visibility with the use of a shipping manifest. Join us as we dive into the world of logistics with Wigmore Logistics and discover why their revolutionary approach is changing the game for businesses around the globe. Get ready to say goodbye to chaos and hello to efficiency!

What is a Shipping Manifest?

A shipping manifest is a document that lists all of the items being shipped in a particular shipment. This document is used by customs officials to verify that the contents of the shipment are as declared, and to determine whether any duties or taxes are owed on the shipment. The shipping manifest also provides important information for logistics purposes, such as the weight and dimensions of the shipment, and the number of pieces in the shipment.

Why Use a Shipping Manifest from Wigmore Logistics?

If you’re looking for a way to streamline your shipping documentation and improve visibility into your shipments, you should definitely consider using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics. Here’s why:

1. A shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics provides a complete and accurate record of your shipment, including all relevant information such as origin, destination, mode of transportation, and more. This ensures that there are no surprises or delays along the way.

2. Having a complete and accurate shipping manifest also makes it easier to track your shipment and resolve any issues that may arise. With all of the relevant information in one place, you can quickly identify any potential problems and take steps to rectify them.

3. Shipping manifests from Wigmore Logistics are also highly customizable, so you can tailor them to meet your specific needs. Whether you need to track special instructions or include additional information, our team can work with you to create a manifest that meets your requirements.

4. Using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics gives you peace of mind knowing that your shipment is in good hands. Our team is committed to providing the highest level of customer service and will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your shipment arrives safely and on time.

Benefits of Using a Shipping Manifest from Wigmore Logistics

A shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics can simplify your documentation and improve visibility during the shipping process. A shipping manifest is a document that lists all of the items being shipped, as well as their destinations. This can be a valuable tool for both businesses and individuals.

There are several benefits of using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics:

1. Simplify Documentation: A shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics can help to simplify your documentation. This document can be used as your single source of truth for what is being shipped, where it is going, and when it will arrive. This can help to streamline your shipping process and make it more efficient.

2. Improve Visibility: A shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics can also improve visibility during the shipping process. This document can help you to track your shipments and see where they are at all times. This can be helpful if there are any delays or issues with the shipment.

3. Save Time: Using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics can also save you time. This document can be used to automate your shipping process by including all of the information needed for each shipment. This can help to reduce errors and save you time in the long run.

4. Save Money: Using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics can also save you money. This document can help you to avoid costly mistakes that could delay or damage your shipments. Additionally,

Features of Wigmore Logistics’ Shipping Manifest System

Wigmore Logistics’ shipping manifest system is designed to simplify documentation and improve visibility for our clients. Our shipping manifests are available in both paper and electronic formats, and they can be customized to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our shipping manifests include:

-A complete description of the goods being shipped
-The name and address of the shipper and consignee
-The origin and destination of the shipment
-The route taken by the shipment
-The mode of transportation used
-The estimated time of arrival
-The tracking number for the shipment

How to Create a Shipping Manifest with Wigmore Logistics

Assuming you’re using Wigmore Logistics as your shipping manifest provider, creating a shipping manifest is simple. All you need to do is provide Wigmore with the necessary information about your shipment, including the origin and destination of the shipment, the mode of transportation, and the type of commodity being shipped.

Wigmore will then create a shipping manifest that includes all of the required documentation for your shipment. This document will be used by your carrier to transport your shipment and will be provided to customs officials at both the origin and destination countries.

The shipping manifest will also include tracking information so that you can track your shipment throughout its journey. This information can be accessed online or via email, depending on your preferences.


In conclusion, using a shipping manifest from Wigmore Logistics is the best way to simplify documentation and improve visibility along the supply chain. With accurate tracking data that can be easily accessed anywhere, anytime, you will have more control over your shipments and save time by eliminating paperwork. Not only does using a shipping manifest help make logistics processes more efficient but it also ensures compliance with regulations while improving customer service and satisfaction.

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